Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dear readers, Jesus has revealed to me that I have been using false spiritual authority. When authority is treated as a right to exercise God's sovereignty, it usurps the place of Christ. The old "God will bless and back up" everything I feel like doing trick. I was ruling by my own desires. My error was not malicious I was in deception. As I repent the blood of Christ takes away my sins and leads me into righteousness. True spiritual authority can be found at Dr. Jones site.


  1. Hi, you seem to be in on marketing some gripping crazy stuff. So here I enter with my simple proposal to make us some cash spreading my Sixth Gospel word (36 ebooks) using your social media as an honest publicity stunt bearing fruit. I need you to splash it all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and wherever else and set up some GO FUND ME as nowadays I just want to buy some HO scale trains and 1:32 slot cars on Ebay for the money raised and run a permanent exhibition down here in the tropics of Nicaragua FOR FREE, people know no trains or fancy cars around here... If you spread my Sixth Gospel word and/or it gets sold, I will give you 50 %. What do you say ? I need somebody in your area.

  2. Whacko Christians have been predicting Christ's return since the Middle Ages. Not going to happen. Science tells us that life on Earth will end in about 4 to 5 billion years when the hydrogen fuel of our sun is depleted.

    1. Holy crap! You must be related to Paul Tracy.

    2. Holy crap! You must be related to Paul Tracy.

    3. The return of Christ will happen some day. We don't know exactly when. The Bible does say that it's after Israel has become a nation again... which it has.

    4. Actually, it will be sooner than that. Plate Tectonics will stop before the sun is out of fuel. Without the magnetic fields created by the iron core of the earth spinning, the van allen belts that stop all the harmful radiation from the sun will impact the earth and kill most of the life on the planet.

    5. What does "SCIENCE" tell you about STOOOPID PEOPLE with 10,000 NUCLEAR WEAPONS at their disposal??!!!

      Any chance those could alter the theories of the Scientist's... Einstein?!!!

      Or... how about an Asteroid?!

      "Science tells us!!!" lol
      Science hasn't been able to tell us how to keep airplanes from crashing... much less can it tell us how much longer the earths going to be here!!!

    6. how do you know the score if you dont watch the game? you choose to go through life with eyes closed or you would say open....your reasoning means thats what you believe..god doesnt exist....and then you go a step further and ridicule christians for their down to them...

    7. LOL...whaco Christians. Based on what? Your Ignorance?

  3. You are still very ignorant....will not promote this b.s...."free will is a hoax"???? Shut the fuck up.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You need to keep reading. You (we) will eventually be given a free will.

    2. Thanks for your input. I added a explanation in parentheses after the quote.

  5. Christ is coming but no man knows the day or the hour. Gog and Magog another prophesy is coming to fruition. Never has Iran and Russia ever done anything militarily in the past and it does appear that they are forming an unusual hatred for the US and Israel. Every Country will go against Israel in the end, so probably after Trumps reign is more like it. Give the Progressives back this country and you can guarantee that the US will side with the Palestinians. Then God will protect Israel and damnation will start. Wars and Rumours of wars(fake News) Earthquakes, Volcanos and Hurricanes all telling signs predicted in the Holy Bible. People you better get ready soon we will be going home! Praise God in the highest!

    1. I AM the 2nd Coming and like the 1st Christ, I AM a progressive/liberal. Donald Trump = 666 using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50... He's the current Antichrist whose actions* are the opposite of the Christ.

      *Synchronism: 7:04 "It looked like an Apocalypse movie-setting." - CBS This Morning

  6. I, the Christ, have returned. In my eternal soul's last incarnation, I was Albert Einstein. See - I've revealed secrets hidden since the founding of this world.

    Are you good at math & science? I can answer your questions.

  7. Wow...this is a whole other level of crazy. This dude is the Michael Jordan of cray cray. I wonder what it is like to have these thoughts running through your mind all the time...I'd rather never find out.
